Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Days Which Suck.

I don't care who you are, Donna Reed or Carol Brady. Some days are just going to SUCK. The littles are just going to so completely suck the life out of you and the patience from your soul, their little whiny miserable voices are going to sound worse than nails on a chalkboard. These are often during any day which ends with "-day". Catch my drift?

I don't want to be the Debbie Downer for any new Moms out there but I would be doing everyone a huge disservice if I weren't honest about The Days Which Suck. And seeing as I happen to be recovering from one of those days right now, I figured I'd blog about it while it's still "fresh", like all three of my kids mouths were today.

So I, like everyone else on the planet, have good days and bad days. But the thing is, with children, they really do not care. They need your "A" game no matter what else is going on. Bank account is in the red and the electricity might get shut off? Don't care. Still wants new Ninjago set. You were up late throwing and going and feel like death warmed over? Don't care. Still wants an Omelet for breakfast. You have been literally climbed on, elbowed, scratched, and head-butted all day? Don't care. Still demands to get on your lap while you're writing a blog.

And the truth of it is, there's nothing you can really do but ride them out. Even the most pleasant of children is still a child, and a child having a bad day doesn't come equipped with the skills to keep it to himself. Which means if he's having a bad day, so are you! This is especially evident with my middle, Fireball. I can pretty much gauge how my whole day is going to be by the mood that Fireball is in when he wakes up. As he gets older he gets better, but from the ages of 15 months to 3 1/2, the first 4 hours of every day were guaranteed pure agony.
It sounds cliche, but seriously, you will think it more than once, I promise: Thank God you're cute, or I'd have sold you to gypsies by now.

All the sage wisdom from previous Moms and books and society in general tells us to "enjoy every second, because it goes so fast." But I think a funny thing happens once your kids are older, I think a kind of amnesia is developed which blocks out the memories of those days where each minute took an hour, where visions of getting in the car (alone) and driving far far far away never to return were hourly. Those days where if someone happened to stop by, or when Hubs got home, you pretty much chucked the kids at them in a side pass and ran as quickly as you could to get away. The Days Which Suck do suck. And maybe they suck so that the good days are more cherished, or perhaps they're just the penance we pay for the glory of parenthood. Or maybe, just maybe, they are why God created Wine.
So while I can say with certainty and conviction that parenting is amazing and awesome and just absolutely the pinnacle of what my human experience has been so far, it sometimes really does just....suck. So am I alone in this? Do other people somehow know how to roll with the punches somehow? If you do have a better system of coping, please let me know. Until then, I'll just keep counting to ten and waiting 'til wine o' clock.

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