Sunday, February 16, 2014

Little Drummer Boy

So as most of you know I have three sons. And my middle, Fireball, is a classic "Marches to the beat of his own drummer" type kid. But, like, even more so. Fireball marches, skips, hops, the beat of his own drum. He is a riot, but trying to describe him to anyone who hasn't met him is really difficult, because I am sure when I try people think I'm either exaggerating or straight up making it up.

So I decided yesterday to, for just the afternoon (we were out as a family and spent quite a bit of time in the car) seeing as Fireball was super chatty because we were a captive audience (we were with him) that I would write down the things that were streaming out of his mouth. I imagine what's going on inside his head and I think it must just be all these little pings, pongs, boings, bubbles. This kid, man. This kid.

SO, here, I present to you, my reader:

A list of things my son said in a two hour block on Saturday Afternoon. 

"I can make my brain goat cheese!"
"My grampa died. My grampa from before, he was from mars."
"I can use water to melt snow."

 "I want to get a job too. 
I want to train to be a Ninja."
"Mommy did you know that a square makes a circle?"

"Mommy I just ran through the speedy tunnel! There's a bad guy! HUH!!!"

"I'm sad and cave."

"Even, you know, sometimes I'm a robot."

"My bones eat chocolate water."

"Chocolate milk kills water."

"I drank that like a lion."

"I have a cut, that's why I can't eat this salad."

"I miss my family. My family that's in China."

"I'm scared of pickles" (as he's eating a pickle)

"Lobsters don't die."

"My chocolate milk is on fire!"

"I ate food. I ate a dog that was dead!"

Later on that evening, we got home and I put Fireball in the tub. Then these gems came out:

"My beautiful water is all gone!" (I drained the bath tub) (I put some more warm water in) 

 "My beautiful water is back! Oh my beautiful water! Yeah my bubble! My bubble! I win! Mommy, wanna see my fireworks?" (and then he splashes all the water out of the tub). 

So there it is, folks. Should I sign him up for creative writing, or therapy? My kid is such a complex combination of energy, fire, silliness, emotion. He is such a joy...and such a frustration sometimes too. But he has such a large chunk of my love it's ridiculous. And I wouldn't change him for the World. Fireball, stay fiery my friend, and never stop marching on!!!!

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